SMMC Celebrates 5 Sisters

Mary, Mother of the Church SMMC CELEBRATES 5 SISTERS The Institute of the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church (SMMC), of the Catholic Diocese of Ho in the Volta Region of Ghana, celebrates 5 Religious Sisters of her Institute. 3 pioneers to mark their Golden Jubilee and 2 Temporary Professed Sisters to Profess their Perpetual Vows. This great event comes off on 15th August, 2024 at the SMMC Convent- Sokode-Gbogame near Ho. The Golden Jubilarians are: Sr. Arcade Eleeza,SMMC Sr. Philothea Osibe, SMMC Sr. Georgina Fuglo, SMMC. The Sisters for Perpetual Vows are: Sr. Pauline Nunyanuke Tengue, SMMC Sr. Patience Akpalu, SMMC. You are cordially invited to join us celebrate our Sisters. SMMC! It is the Lord!

Sr. Arcade Eleeza, SMMC

Golden Jubilarian


Sr. Arcade Eleeza, SMMC hails from Baglo Odumase, Buem in the Oti Region of Ghana. She had her First Communion in 1961 and Confirmation in 1965.Her Parish is Christ the King Parish, Baglo Buem in the Catholic Diocese of Jasikan. Her parents were Madam Felicia Akordor and Mr. Norbert Eleeza of blessed memories.

Sr. Arcade started her Vocation journey in 1971 and made her First Profession of Vows in 1974 as one of the Pioneers of SMMC.

She attended OLA Secondary School, Ho. She is a Nurse by Profession and was trained at Korle-bu Nursing Training College in Accra from 1980 to 1983. She had her training as a Midwife at Korle-bu Midwifery, from 1984-1985.

She enrolled in Public Health School at Korle-bu from 1994-1995. In 2008, she studied Human Resource Management at GIMPA, Accra.

Sr. Arcade worked in Battor Catholic Hospital in the Accra Archdiocese; Abor Sacred Heart Hospital in the Keta-Akatsi Diocese from 1987 to 2020, within which she served as a Matron of the Hospital.

She is the In-Charge of Mater Ecclesiae Xorladi Centre for Vulnerable Children at Sokode-Gbogame. She engages in Prison Ministry as well.

Sr. Arcade’s interest is taking care of the sick, her hobby is sewing and her personal motto in life is Service to Humanity.

Sr. Philothea Osibe, SMMC

Golden Jubilarian


Sr. Philothea Osibe, SMMC is from Baglo Buem in the Oti Region of Ghana. Her parents were Mr. Lawrence Osibe and Madam Sabina Eleeza of blessed memories. Her Parish is Christ the King Parish, Baglo Buem in the Catholic Diocese of Jasikan.

She started her education at Hohoe R.C School and continued OLA Senior Secondary School.

Sr. Philothea had her First Profession of Vows in 1974 as one of the seven Pioneers of SMMC who started the SMMC Institute in 1971. She made her Perpetual Profession of Vows in 1974.

She is a Formator and served as the First indigenous Formator for SMMC. She had her Formation Course in the Institute for Formation, Zambia 1984-1985. She served as SMMC Novice Mistress from 1986-1996. Sr.

Sr. Philothea underwent a Theological Course from 2007-2008 and Human Development, Wa, affiliated to Cape Coast University, 2010-2016.

She carried out her Apostolate at various places including Dzelukope R.C. Basic School, 1983-1984, Mission to Liberia as Formator, 2000-2003, Assistant Novice Mistress SMMC 2003. She also worked at the Institute for Continuing Formation (ICF) 2009-2017 and as Assistant Novice Mistress SMMC 2017-2019. From 2020-2021, she Served again Novices Mistress of SMMC.

Sr Philothea’s interest is playing netball, her hobby is reading and her personal motto in life is Service to Humanity.

SR. PHILO @ 50
Sr. Georgina Fuglo, SMMC

Golden Jubilarian


Sr. Georgina Fuglo, SMMC is from Likpe Bala (Guan) in the Oti Region of Ghana. Her parents were Mr. Aloysius Fuglo and Mrs. Felicia Fuglo of blessed memories. Her Parish is St. Joseph at Likpe Mate (Guan) in the Catholic Diocese of Ho.

Sr. Georgina had Basic Education at Likpe Bala L/A Basic School. She attended Keta Secondary School from 1974 to 1976 and proceeded to OLA Secondary School from September 1976 to 1979.

She started her Religious journey in 1971 as one of the Pioneers of SMMC and Professed her First Religious Vows in 1974. Her final Vows was Professed in 1984.

Sister Georgina is a Professional Nurse Midwife. She was trained at Korle-Bu, as a State Registered Nurse from 1980 to 1983 and as Midwife from 1984 to 1985 at Korle-bu Midwifery.

She had other Professional and Religious studies. She studied Human Resource Management at GIMPA- 2009, Diploma in Leadership, Spiritual Direction, Human Development and Growth, Guidance and Counseling, Spirituality in the Institute for Religious Formation from 1987-1988 – Kent London.

She served as the first Indigenous Superior General of SMMC for 15 years. She was first appointed by Most Rev. Francis A. K. Lodonu, Bishop Emeritus of Ho Diocese for 4 years- 1986 to 1990, and appointed the 2nd time from 1990 to 1994. She was elected during the First General Chapter of the Institute in 1995 for 6 years.

Some of the projects accomplished by Sr. Georgina included opening of Communities in Ho, Keta-Akatsi and Jasikan Dioceses, Building of SMMC Chapel, Bakery and Sewing Department, Mater Ecclesiae School, Mater Ecclesiae Clinic, acquiring 8 plots of land for building Generalate. She also sent Sisters for further Studies both in and outside Ghana in different areas of Studies.

Some of the apostolates Sr. Georgina undertook were as follows: She did voluntary work with people with developmental disability, Families and Circle of Support from 2002 to 2003 in Florida, USA . She worked in Battor Catholic Hospital, Mater Ecclesiae Clinic, 2004 to 2008, Anfoega Catholic Hospital, 2009 to 2016, Mater Ecclesiae School Infirmary, 2017 till date

Sr. Georgina’s interest is taking care of the Children and her hobby is listening to News.

Sr. Pauline Afi Nunyanuke TENGUE, SMMC

Perpetual Profession of Vows


Sr. Pauline Afi Nunyanuke Tengue, SMMC, is a native of Anyako in the Volta Region of Ghana but grew up in Aflao. She was the 6th born of the 7 Children of the family and the last Girl.

Sr Pauline had Primary Education at Aflao RC Primary School from 1995 to 2000 and proceeded to Amalgamated J.S.S, Aflao, from 2001 to 2003. She attended OLA Senior High School, Ho from 2016 to 2018.

She is a Registered Public Health Nurse. She attended Ho Nursing Training College from 2019 to 2022.

Sr. Pauline had her First Profession of Vows n 2015.

Music is Sr. Pauline’s Hobby and she likes to sing and dance.

Sr. Patience Akpalu, SMMC

Perpetual Profession of Vows


Sr. Patience Akpalu hails from Dabala Junction in the Volta Region of Ghana. She is the 2nd and last daughter of Mrs. Grace Fakor Kpodo Exe and the late Mr. E K. Kpodo.

Sr Patience is a Teacher by Profession. She had her basic education at Keta OLA RC Boarding School from 1998 to 2002 and continued to Anlo Senior High School from 2002 to 2005. She completed Ada College of Education from 2007 to 2010. After completion she was posted to Sogakope Agorkpo JHS , where she was teaching before leaving to the convent 2013.

Sr Patience had her First Profession of Vows 2016. Currently, she is teaching at Dzodze Fiagbedu JHS and is in St. Anthony Community.

Sr. Patience Likes reading and socializing with both young and old.